Gwynne takes a Tuesday

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Take it off!
Birthday Promos are recommended (), confirmed () or featured ()

SUPIt took years to convince Gwynne to start taking her mid-summer Birthday off work. She used to say silly things like “I would take it off if it was on a Friday.. but it’s on a Tuesday this year so I might as well work”.

“WAIT – what?!!”, says Mappy Birthday to that. “So once every 7 years… you deserve a special day?! What are ya – some kinda cactus flower!” Mappy Birthday says you need to take your Birthday off work every year!


Here’s what Gwynne did this year for her Mappy Birthday:
6:00 AM – Sunrise Bike Ride
7:00 AM – Walk the doggies
7:30 AM – Free latte at Starbucks ()
9:00 AM – Ogden Point Stroll with BFF Darcie
9:45 AM – Breakfast at Nourish ()
11:00 AM – Hillside Mall: The Body Shop (), Payless Shoes (), David’s Tea ()
1:00 PM – 2 for 1 Blizzard () – take home for the kids
1:15 PM – Dog Day Afternoon nap
3:00 PM – Tried SUP Yoga in Brentwood Bay ()
5:00 PM – Amazing Dinner at Brentwood Bay Pub, treated to complimentary chocolate truffles for dessert ().

So yeaaahh, Gwynne doesn’t work on her Birthday anymore.

About the author: bshut